

To develop and promote the creative interaction between government, business and civil society – the catalytic society - with a particular emphasis on cities and the interaction between people and cities.



Field of interest

My field of interest is Leadership and Governance, People and Cities, Property and Finance, and the forces that are driving society in these areas.

Catalytic Society can be a constructive dialogue partner when it comes to develop and promote the creative interaction between Governmental Institutions, Business Companies and Civil Society Entities. 

Catalytic Society creates value and insight into how your enterprise can develop an improved relationship with your community and society. 



I have a long and wide experience in leadership and governance. 

I have been working in many different sectors of society: Government, Business and Civil Society. 

I have been working in many different positions: As Civil Servant in the Ministry of Environment, as Advisor in a Trade Union, as Executive Director in a Pension Fund, as Executive Director in a Property Finance Company, as Executive Director of a back office to a Bank and Property Finance Company and as CEO of a Philanthropic Foundation.

I have experience from many non-executive positions as chair and deputy chair as well as ordinary board member.