President of IFHP
The International Federation for Housing and Planning is a worldwide network of professionals representing the broad field of housing and planning. The federation organizes a wide range of activities across the globe creating opportunities for an international exchange of knowledge and experience in the professional field.
We believe such efforts are the best way to instigate positive change in urban environments towards an improved quality of life.
As IFHP member you become involved in this communication platform and network where IFHP promotes mutual learning and inspiration, and generate new ideas amongst professionals in order to equip you to find the best local solutions to the global challenges facing housing and planning today.
IFHP is based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Its current President is Flemming Borreskov, President and Founder of Catalytic Society, Copenhagen.
History of IFHP
IFHP was founded in 1913 by the architect Ewart Culpin under the presidency of Ebenezer Howard, who is known for his publication “Garden Cities of Tomorrow” (1898). This publication became the basis for the Garden City movement period in city planning.
If you are interested in learning more about the history of IFHP, you can purchase the newly published book by Graham Allan, Member of IFHP Council: “A hundred years at the global spearhead. The Centenary of IFHP 1913-2013”. Below you will find a short presentation of the book and the book is available here: